IB Program

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program at Rowland High School is a challenging two-year (11th-12th grades) pre-college course of studies. IB encourages creative inquiry and critical thinking while helping students develop a global perspective.
IB Diploma Program students complete IB classes in six subject areas: literature, world languages, history, experimental sciences, mathematics, and the arts. Additionally, they complete three requirements that are at the core of IB: the Theory of Knowledge class, CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service), and the Extended Essay (an independent research project).
While offering students a rigorous, well-rounded, and highly engaging course of studies in high school, the IB Diploma Program thoroughly prepares students for study at the university level. The IB diploma is widely recognized by universities in the U.S. and around the world.
Some of the colleges our IB students have been accepted to include Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Cornell, Columbia, Cal Tech, and MIT.
IB Courses at RHS