FREE English Placement Test Boot Camp - Classes are available to all seniors who need to take an English Placement test for a community college or 4-year university. Classes will be held on Feb 11th, 13th, 18th, and 20th from 3pm-5pm. You will need to take the Mt. Sac Placement Test for data purposes. Sign-up with Mrs. Hupman. We need a minimum of 25 students to participate to be able to host this FREE Boot Camp on our campus.
Mrs. Hupman will have the sign-up sheets available for Mt. Sac’s Placement Tests available on Feb. 7th at the Test Prep in the west wing of the library from lunch until 3:30pm. You will need your Mt. Sac ID to sign up.
Mt Sac Placement Tests – Feb 27th and March 7th in the main part of the library from 1pm-4pm. You will need to sign up with Mrs. Hupman as space is limited. Sign-ups available starting Feb. 7th. You will need your Mt. Sac ID to sign up.
Mt Sac Placement Test Field Trip – March 14th. We will leave campus at 8 am and return by 2:30 pm. You will need to sign up and pick up permission slips from Mrs. Hupman. Space is limited to 50 students. First come, first serve. Sign-ups available starting Feb. 7th. You will need your Mt. Sac ID to sign up.